
Beau Diddley

A half-grown red male moved into our cats’ territory and started hanging out with them. This was a surprise, as our cats, who usually studiously ignore one another, will nevertheless band together to chase other cats out of the neighborhood. They’ll walk four-abreast down the street, OK Corral style, and move the varmints out of town. This red cat was different; Jackson, our black-and-white male omega, latched onto him as a playmate, and the other cats - and Max - accepted him without demurrer. Beau Diddley (for that’s his name), for his part, found the company stimulating, and the menu more than satisfactory, so he moved in.

UPDATE: As Beau got older, he decided he wanted to be the only cat in the pride, so our friends Claudie and Dany adopted him. He’s their only child, and he’s in heaven.